Exterior Painting in Needham, MA

Our crew first perform a thorough carpentry inspection on this home to determine any repairs that needed to be made prior to the start of work. Our crew removed and replaced 16 linear feet of water table where it rotted; then replaced the remaining 165 linear feet with composite. On the left side of the garage, two 5 ft of rake boards and molding were replaced. Four full window casings and moldings were replaced, along with the base of the front door kick and trim with composite. Finally, our crew removed the 2 stringers, 1 riser, 16 feet of side trim and all 4 sides of the post trim with composite on the back deck.
The home was then washed by hand with bleach and jomax. The siding, trim, windows, doors and door casings were prepped, spot primed and painted two coats to match the existing paint.